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In January I had the pleasure to visit the community of Henstedt-Ulzburg and introduce EVE to them. EVE is speech-to-text software that can help small communities and municipalities meet the challenges of the refugee crisis. With this technology, misunderstandings and miscommunications can be avoided by recording incoming conversations in real time and converting them into text form.

EVE can greatly facilitate understanding and collaboration between staff and refugees. The language barrier is one of the biggest problems that can lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication. EVE was developed to solve this problem. Employees can read and understand the text on the screen, which contributes to more effective collaboration and ultimately to facilitating the integration of refugees into the community.

During my visit to Henstedt-Ulzburg, I was able to see the impact of EVE on employees. They were excited about the technology and immediately saw how it could make their jobs easier. EVE was running on a laptop connected to a projector to visualize the text on a screen. An external microphone was connected to the laptop for sound input. More details about the setup can be found here.

Another advantage of EVE is that it can avoid misunderstandings and miscommunication. Employees can read through the text at their leisure and ensure that they have understood the content correctly before responding. This leads to more effective collaboration and helps improve integration.

EVE can also help reduce employee workload. When employees have to manually record and transcribe conversations, it is time-consuming and error-prone. EVE can handle these tasks automatically and employees can focus on more important tasks.

I am convinced that EVE can also help other small communities and municipalities. By converting speech to text, misunderstandings and miscommunication can be avoided. Employees can read through the texts at their leisure and ensure that they have understood the content correctly before responding. This leads to more effective collaboration and helps improve integration. EVE can improve communication between employees and refugees and make an important contribution to integration.


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Author: Kevin Kunz

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